In the late 1950s, a refugee family from East Bengal, victims of the Partition, struggle for survival on the outskirts …

In the late 1950s, a refugee family from East Bengal, victims of the Partition, struggle for survival on the outskirts …
The greatest ever Director-Actor collaberations in world cinema have included Akira Kurosawa-Toshiro Mifune, Federico Fellini-Marcello Mastroianni, Martin Scorcese-Robert De Niro …
This article is in celebration of my teacher’s 95th birth anniversary, which falls today on November 4th, 2020. The earth …
National Award-winning production designer Indranil Ghosh makes his directorial debut with an action-filled narrative, Shironam, which means ‘headlines’. In the guise …
Satyajit Ray’s famous children’s film, Goopi Gyne Bagha Byne (1969), has a fascinating segment known as ‘Bhooter Naach’ or the Dance …
In an on-camera interview in 2015, filmmaker Putul Mahmood had said that it all depends on what a film is …
Meet Arghyakamal Mitra. He is one of the most outstanding film editors in India with around 100 films in his …
Nemai Ghosh was most well-known as Satyajit Ray’s official photographer since 1969 when Ray was working on Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne. …
Those familiar with the directorial work of Aparna Sen and who feel that Ghawre Baire Aaj is her first political …
“It is not good to dream. It can be harmful for people like us because who cares about our dreams?” …