The 1950s and the ’60s. The era of noir in mainstream Hindi cinema; a time of the urban crime thriller …

The 1950s and the ’60s. The era of noir in mainstream Hindi cinema; a time of the urban crime thriller …
“My rebellious notes make the world think that my heart abhors the lyrics of love, that I find solace in …
The golden-hearted hero forced to crime probably due to a sick, coughing mother or sister, the goody-two shoes, virginal heroine …
SD Burman proved that age is no impediment for creativity. He was the only great composer who remained in high …
Johnny Walker was one of the most popular funny men in Hindi cinema in the 1950s and ’60s. Born Badruddin …
The first thing that strikes one when you hear Geeta Dutt sing was that she never ‘sang’ but sailed ever …
Dev Anand is one of the greatest stars the Hindi Film Industry has seen. Handsome and debonair, he was the …