
Ivan Vera Mathiri

The Law Minister (Hariraj) repeatedly gets his brother, Eeswaran (Vamsi Krishna), out on paraole to do his dirty work. The Minister instigates a riot at a college, which leads to the death of a few students while the cops just watch. Gunasekaran (Vikram Prabhu), a young lad looking for a job, initially laughs it off but decides to take matters into his own hands once he hears others speaking about the state of the country. Without revealing his identity, he kidnaps Eeswaran and hides him in a remote construction site beyond his parole date so that it looks like the Law Minister has helped his brother escape. Meanwhile, Gunasekaran falls for Engineering student, Malini (Surabhi), and her for him. The Law Minister is forced to resign and is arrested. Gunasekaran subsequently releases Eeswaran, who is now thirsty for revenge…

In 2011, I had picked M Saravanan’s Engaeyum Eppodhum to be the best Tamil film of the year. So, expectations were naturally sky high for his follow up offering, Ivan Vera Mathiri (IVM). However, while the film is engaging enough, and does have enough moments of its own, it is a bit of a let down in the final analysis. Let’s just say, one expected more, especially in its content and writing.

The basic problem is the key point in the script when Gunasekaran decides to take things into his hand right at the beginning of the film. The entire film depends on this and this decision of his to be an unseen vigilante simply on looking at the goings on around him and hearing the conversation of his father with another gentlemen is unconvincing to say the least. The problem is that he has no personal stake in the issue and even if the director was trying to veer away from those sort of cliches to elevate the film above a standard revenge drama, he doesn’t quite pull it off. And no, the title is not enough (He is Different) to explain Vikram Prabhu’s character.

The film too takes its own time to settle down and takes off only in the second half, but it has to be said that when it takes off, it does so. It is here where it does keep you hooked with some fine cat and mouse play and some high-octane action sequences culminating in the climactic fight. Saravanan clearly shows his fine control over his craft in this part of the film.

Of the cast, Surabhi makes a good debut and is like a breath of fresh air in the film. She is at ease in the cute bubbly romantic scenes, which though corny and sometimes even silly, do admittedly bring a smile to the face, and she shows she can handle the emotive ones as well. Thankfully, her role too is well integrated into the storyline. Vamsi Krishna makes a strong enough adversary even if he does overplay the villainous bits at times. Hariraj is fine as the corrupt law Minister, but Ganesh Venkataraman as the tough cop is wasted. Vikram Prabhu, at the centre of it all, is earnest and underplays well but lacks that inherent energy that a hero needs and often ends up looking wooden. He is still to develop a more powerful screen presence and his dancing too needs some serious work.

Technically, the action sequences are well executed and cameraman Shakthi shoots the sequences around the construction site stunningly. The songs go along with the film but the background is a big no-no, in your face all the time and deafening to boot.

Overall, IVM thanks to its second half is, no doubt, watchable enough and has its highs. But one point though. The graphic violence in the film is a bit much to digest. Leave alone the hero-villain action sequences, the villain kicks the heroine smack in the face, her stomach and what not repeatedly. And this got a U certificate! Seriously? I’d like to see how many of those involved with the making of this film let their kids, if less than 10, actually see this film.


Tamil, Action, Drama, Color