Joyland, directed by Saim Sadiq, is one of the most important films to come out of Pakistan. It is a …

Joyland, directed by Saim Sadiq, is one of the most important films to come out of Pakistan. It is a …
Murthy (Rajkumar), a young teacher committed to the idea of social service, takes charge of an unruly village school to …
Anirudh Iyer’s debut feature, An Action Hero, is a story of survival when one is with one’s back to the wall. Layering …
Even before its completion, the making of The Legend Of Maula Jatt was already legendary as the film got bogged down …
Biraj (Kamini Kaushal) is married off to Nilambar Chakraborty (Abhi Bhattacharya) when she was a little girl. The couple is …
An old couple, Mohan Joshi (Bhisham Sahni) and his wife (Dina Pathak), decide to sue their landlord, Kundan Kapadia (Amjad …
Dostojee (Two Friends), directed by Prasun Chatterjee, finally releases selectively in cinemas across India today after a successful run on the …
Fast talking conman, Mr. Sampat, (Motilal), lives by his wits and survives by conning people. He connives and concocts an …
After a protracted absence, acclaimed Marathi feature director, Umesh Vinayak Kulkarni, is back with the three-part Netflix docu-fiction series, Murder In …
Gurmmeet Singh’s Phone Bhoot is a laboured effort in the genre of horror-comedy that neither has enough jump-scary moments nor enough …